A/Prof Kara Barry
Associate Professor - Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture,
University of Tasmania
“What I love about STEMM is that almost everything I do involves discovery and problem solving. When that leads to an outcome that may mean a farm is more environmentally sustainable and productive, that is rewarding.”
Kara Barry is an Associate Professor of Plant Pathology at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture and one of a small number of female staff to have achieved the position of Associate Professor in agriculture at UTAS. She was interested in science and plants from a young age and undertook a Bachelor of Science and PhD at UTAS. Kara has held several research positions, including managing research based in Indonesia. In her current position, she lectures in plant pathology and crop health alongside many research projects, including supervising multiple PhD candidates from around the world. Kara is an active mentor of young women in STEMM, has two kids and loves bushwalking and yoga.